Social Terms and Conditions

A friendly reminder

The club’s facilitators are all volunteers. They put their valuable time and effort into ensuring their programs run smoothly. Sets in the City now has roughly 25% of the club’s membership registered to play in this program. A very small minority seem to think the rules don’t apply to them. Please read the following carefully before signing in for a forthcoming event. This is organised social tennis for intermediate standard players only. It works as smoothly as it does only when members follow the terms and conditions. These apply to everyone.

  1. You are required to RSVP for yourself via the email that gets sent out. If you are not receiving it, contact the club at
  2. Arrive on time. Latecomers inconvenience their fellow members and upset the balance of play. A reminder: Friday sessions are 7-8pm and 8-9pm. Sunday mornings are 9-10am and 10-11am. Anyone who is consistently late despite warnings will be suspended from this program.
  3. If you do not attend a session that you have secured without notifying the facilitator the day before you will be banned for two weeks from attending all social events that require a booking. This suspension also applies to anyone not following the instructions of the facilitator.
  4. When your set is finished (first to four), you need to change who you are playing with. If the flag is up on a court, two members must go to that court and swap players.
  5. Members should assume that the social will continue unless a washout is issued by the facilitator. If in doubt, either text your facilitator or email them.

Repeat offenders to any of the above will be suspended from this program indefinitely.

Please follow the above rules. They’re common sense and needn’t really be stated. But as above, sadly, some members flaunt them.